The 4 Best Open Carry Holsters

best open carry holster

There are few topics in the gun culture that are more divisive than open carry. Whenever open carry comes up, people immediately think of activists carrying AR 15’s into a police station or on the steps of City Hall.Politics aside, open carry gets a bad rap. Many people think that open carry is a death […]

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The 3 Best Pancake Holsters

best pancake holster

More and more people every day are joining the ranks of concealed carriers. Taking the responsibility of their personal security into their own hand’s. People are taking their concealed carry permit classes, getting trained up on weapons and safety in order to be able to conceal carry a firearm effectively.Many people turn to new technologies […]

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The 5 Most Comfortable Concealed Carry Holsters

most comfortable concealed carry holster

The most comfortable concealed carry gun in the world is useless if your holster is terrible. No matter what you think about your current set up, it’s not as comfortable as one of the five listed here. Having the most comfortable concealed carry holster means you’re more likely to have it on you when it […]

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The 5 Best Deep Concealment Holsters (Let’s Go Deep)

best deep concealment holster

Deep concealment holsters are items that rarely get used, but when you need one there’s no substitute. Deep concealment holsters serve a very important purpose of providing a means to carry a backup gun safely and consistently without too much intrusion with the rest of your equipment or movement.What is Deep Concealment?​Deep concealment refers to […]

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The Best KYDEX Holster for IWB & OWB

best kydex holster

Kydex holsters have been the most important factor in the current boom in concealed carry numbers. Politics aside, the ability for people to cheaply and comfortably carry guns has never been a greater factor than it is now. Kydex holsters have ushered in a new wave of concealed carry because they are so effective at […]

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